My online persona is Biblioteca Chica, loosely translated: Library Chick. I'm finishing my second year of a three year long MLS journey in library and information studies. I've loved libraries and books for as long as I can remember, literally. And I have read several (sometimes dozens) of books a week ever since I read my first book in first grade: Frog and Toad Are Friends.
So it is appropriate to find myself, yet again, blogging about some aspect of Book World, this time about books and that ubiquitous Internet presence Google. Can you really think about the Internet and not think about Google? I'll be honest. I love Google. For all my fancy search terms, tools, techniques that I've learned in "library school," for all the subscription data bases filled with pure, unadulterated information unsullied by the other garbage on the Web, I still google stuff all the time. Yes, Google is both a proper noun AND a verb. So here you will find a look at Google Books --one more facet of the behemoth that both enriches, but perhaps also robs from our lives. I don't know what I don't know, so let's explore together!
I will post a brief history of the Google Books project, literature review, data analysis, discussion and conclusion.
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